Please ensure that the delivery address you provide is able to accept the delivery safely. This can be a work address, a neighbour or a home address etc.
If the delivery fails you are responsible to collect the parcel from your local depot within 5 working days. If you fail to collect the item it will be returned back to us at an additional cost payable by you.
To aid the driver finding the delivery property please give an address that has a house number, (properties with names are hard to find in the summer with sunshine, in the winter when it gets dark sooner it becomes almost impossible in the time scale each parcel has).
You are taking full responsibility for the delivery of the goods, as long as it has been dispatched by us on time then we are not responsible for the delivery arriving – please contact the delivery company.
If you do not want to be responsible for your delivery address then do NOT order. Do NOT request delivery to an address that is unsafe or somewhere with nobody available to take delivery.